Learnings from Week 1 of MLDL show .

Disclaimer: Includes lots of machine learning Level 1 and MEMES.

Learnings from Week 1 of MLDL show .

Hello , Week 1 of The #MLDLS2021 is Completed and I will be sharing my learnings from it .


                                                 **Learnings from First Lecture**
  1. Intro to ML and it's sub branches
  2. Intro to ML algorithms: supervised, un- supervised, regression, classification with examples .
  3. We were divided into breakout rooms for discussing applications of ML .
  4. Every algorithm was explained well with examples like when should you use regression and when classification .
    • Ex: For predicting rain(i.e. will it rain tomorrow or not) we will use classification and not regression.
    • Ex: When you have data which seems to be divided into groups ,you will use clustering algorithm as it will divide the data into groups .
  5. A quiz on these topics(I scored a 10 (Hurray)) .


                                                  **Learnings of Second Lecture** 
  1. Linear Regression :
    • Simply, a graph line is plotted by the algorithm according to the x and y values provided.
    • If there are multiple input variable (Price of house vs. area+rooms+color): Multiple Regression
  2. Loss functions:
    • The difference of actual and predicted value in a graph and their average is the value of Loss function .
    • The less loss value ,the better algorithm .
    • If the loss value is higher try for searching another algorithm.
    • The more data and training of model ,the better .
    • Ideal training and testing of data should be 8:2 or 7:3 .
  3. Important libraries for machine learning :

    • Numpy : NumPy basically provides n-dimensional array object. NumPy also provides mathematical functions which can be used in many calculations.
    • Code: import numpy as np
               arr = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])
               print("Numpy array\n {}".format(arr))
    • Matplotlib : Matplotlib is scientific plotting library usually required to visualize data. Importantly visualization is required to analyze the data. You can plot histograms, scatter graphs, lines etc.(In sort for plotting graphs ) .

    • Code: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

             x = [1,2,3]
             y = [4,5,6]
    • Pandas : Pandas is used for data analysis it can take multi-dimensional arrays as input and produce charts/graphs.
    • Code: import pandas as pd
             age = {'age': [4, 6, 8, 34, 5, 30, 41] }
             dataframe = pd.DataFrame(age)
             print("all age:\n{}".format(dataframe))
             filtered = dataframe[dataframe.age > 20]
             print("age above 20:\n{}".format(filtered))
    • sklearn : Sklearn is used for creating the linear regression model Refer official doc : https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression.html
  4. Dataset websites :
  5. Platform for making a machine learning model :
  6. A quiz for testing our knowledge( got 9 on 10) . image.png

The best part about the presentation is that we get to see Machine learning memes after every topics ,and we love it .

Some memes for you too :




image.png Next step : FROM MLDL Show.

All thanks to our Awesome mentors : Rucha,Vedant and Harsh.
