Why Blockchain is called Blockchain?๐Ÿค”

Why Blockchain is called Blockchain?๐Ÿค”


2 min read

What is this Buzzword "Blockchain" ? The word is self-explanatory as multiple blocks of data is connected with each other through a chain in a decentralized network . If you have heard of Linked list ,blockchain follows the same concept .

What same concept am I taking about ?


(Image Source: Wikipedia) Here in the above image, you can see that each and every block are connected with each other and every block has a Prev_hash value, Timestamp, Tx_root,Nounce. Explanation :

  1. Prev_Hash: How are hash generated: The hashes are generated as a result of a Cryptographic hash algorithm of SHA256(). The first ever block from where the chain started was called Genesis Block from where each and every block started the linking. This variable stores the hash value of previous block so that it becomes easy to maintain the chain and the data doesn't get lost .

2.TimeStanp: It is the time at which the particular block was created .

3.Tx_root: So Tx_root contains many Transactions hashes and all multiple hashes makeups a single Merkle root or Tx_root.

4.Nounce Nounce is the number which when added to the original block hash gives the hashes with the level of Zeros like the first hash was 8 Zeros Long and hence the Nounce have to be incremented until the final result is achieved.

image.png (image Source : o'relly)